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'One Nation' Art on Atlanta BeltLine

Watch the video to see Jenevieve and AP creating art on the Atlanta BeltLine.

New Art on the Atlanta BeltLine is taking shape under the North Highland Ave. bridge in Inman Park.

Artist Jenevieve Reid (@jenevieve713) was out on the Atlanta BeltLine this week, with AP Faust (@ap.faust), painting brightly colored tribal masks on the bridge's columns.

She says the masks represent different cultures, and she is considering titling the artwork "One Nation" because we are all essentially alike.

This isn't Jenevieve's first mural on the BeltLine. Two years ago, she painted a bridge near Memorial Drive, calling it "Regrowing Atlanta." That painting represents indigenous plants and flowers that were choked out by weeds like kudzu.

From left, AP Faust and Genevieve Reid

An Atlanta native, Nicole Gustin is the founder & CEO of BiteLines, which offers walking food tours on the Atlanta BeltLine. She considers the BeltLine her backyard, and is excited to see how Atlanta is reinventing itself. The BiteLines blog features art, restaurants, happenings and weirdness on the Atlanta BeltLine. Share story ideas and pics at: Or follow on Instagram @bitelinesatl.

Note: We have paused our tours during the pandemic, but hope to ramp up again in 2021, as soon as it’s safe.

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